Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Love languages

I'm sure many of you have taken personality quizzes before, and found out a little more about yourself. We took some in our ad class on Monday and learned what kind of advertisers we are. But I bet most of you have never taken a love language test. I, Melanie, came up as a lover and caregiver in the personality test, so I thought that this quiz would be appropriate. It was set up by Dr. Gary Chapman who has written books about relationship issues

There are five love languages, and you may be dominant in more than one. They explain how you give love most often, and how you feel most loved. It is important to know this in all relationships, from marriage to friendship to co-workers. Knowing how other people feel appreciated will greatly improve your relationships. The love languages are as follows:

Words of Affirmation
This includes simple compliments on things like looks and achievements, and encouragement. Here are some examples from Dr. Chapman: reinforcing a difficult decision; calling attention to progress made on a current project; acknowledging a person’s unique perspective on an important topic. If a loved one listens for “Words of Affirmation,” offering encouragement will help him or her to overcome insecurities and develop greater confidence.

Quality Time
This is about focusing all your energy on someone with no distractions. During a good conversation you need to listen, offer advice, and respond to make sure the other person knows you are listening. Quality activities are also an important part of quality time. Those whose love language is quality time will feel loved whether you're playing a board game or working on homework together.

Receiving Gifts
This is the easiest love language to learn. It doesn't always mean expensive gifts, and they don't need to come as often as you'd think. Free or rare gifts are equally as important. Any physical item to symbol your affection will be appreciated.

Acts of Service
Examples of this love language include doing chores for someone, or helping someone with an assignment. This requires your time more than your money. You need to figure out what types of acts of service are most appreciated. They also need to be clearly out of love and not obligation. Small gestures can mean the world to someone.

Physical Touch
This is not just sex! People often feel most loved from a simple hug, back massage, or pat on the shoulder. It's also important to know which touches annoy people. This may be one of the most interesting of the love language, and it is equally as important.

To take the quiz for yourself, copy this link!



  1. Words of Affirmation is the winner with 11! And Physical Touch is second with 8. I kind of knew this, but it just reinforced it. Crazy. All the questions seemed like they were about receiving stuff though, thought that was strange.

  2. My top one is Quality Time and my 2nd one is Words of Affirmation.

  3. Mine is... surprisingly physical touch. But I think that quiz might be wrong though.

  4. Lol mine was quality time. lol at least i didnt get physical touch

  5. I am gifts then physical touch. Kinda expected that.

    Thanks, Mel.
